Actors Headshot / Audition Headshot / Casting Call Headshot / Kids Casting Headshot (Actor Headshot Photographers Manchester)

 Headshot / Audition Headshot / Casting Call Headshot / Kids Casting Headshot (Actor Headshot Photographers Manchester)

Actors are not the only people who need headshots. Musicians, performers and business people can get headshots too.

I have a standard package for headshots. This package includes the following:

A photoshoot of approximately one hour

Two or three outfit changes.
The optional professional hair and makeup artist from £ 35. 

Casting Headshoot audition headshoot photography Manchester Warrington Casting Headshoot audition headshoot photography Manchester Warrington Casting Headshoot audition headshoot photography Manchester Warrington

Casting Headshot audition headshot photography Manchester Warrington

Casting Headshot audition headshot photography Manchester Warrington